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Auckland Cycle Touring Association



Waikaraka Cycle Path

14 & 22 September, 2007




The refurbished Waikaraka Pathway was officially opened
on Friday 14 September, 2007



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Auckland Mayor Dick Hubbard making the opening speech.


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A week later ACTA was getting ready to head out and enjoy the new facility.

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But first we had to have our coffee fix.
As our usual café, McCafé at the airport, was being renovated,
we stopped off at Sylvia Park.

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When we were ready to go Yuko discovered she had a flat tyre.

So it was time for the Knights in Fluoro Armour (plus lookers -on) to come to her rescue.


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  After the final inspection we were ready to head off.










This is alongside the South Eastern Motorway.

It would be wonderful if the responsible authority could have a cleaning
gang along here sometime - it's a regular rubbish dump.

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On the bridge over the marshalling yards at Southdown everyone was
intrigued by the driverless locomotive performing its shunting duties.


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And then we were finally on to the lovely Waikaraka Path.

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Photos : Margaret McK

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