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Wonderful West Auckland

26 July, 2009




Didn't think there would be any photos today - even though it was an absolutely perfect
day for cycling.  But we were pretty much covering old ground, so the photos are all
here  -  somewhere.





However, Cathy took us to a café that we do not get to very often
- the Packing Shed Gallery and Café out the back of Henderson -
so a couple of shots had to be taken.



As you can see, it is very much a Gallery.

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Not only was it a Gallery and Café, it was also a place where local entertainers could, well,
entertain you.


Today's singer and pianist was Katherine Tuenter, giving us a mix of her own
compositions and covers.  It was a pity we had to move on - it would have been very easy
to have listened to more.

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Wonder if Kevan got a crick in his neck??










The café has lovely surroundings.

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And a great place to see (and buy) antiques, curios, collectables
and strange and wonderous things.

(That sounds like a description of ACTA members.)

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And for lunch we found this lovely bus stop up above Wood Bay.
Luckily, no bus came while we were there.

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Photo: Shae, John & Photoshop.








Photos: John and Shae.









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